Can’t orgasm , PLEASE HELP

Please help me. I love my fiancé, he’s a great guy but this is really starting to affect our relationship. I guess I’m kindve hard to please🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ he cant last more two minutes of the intense (hard, fast) sex I need to orgasm. It’s happened before but not very often at all.... like once every couple of months & anymore I’m having trouble hiding my annoyance with him. Like you get off every single time we have sex, if for some reason you don’t, you can go in the bathroom & do it for yourself. I can’t satisfy myself fully the way sex does. I can only get off in one position too 😩 what can I do?? I’ve tried all kinds of stuff off the internet & nothing has worked. Now we barely have sex bc he’s afraid to disappoint me & i don’t want the let down of ALMOST getting off. Other than that we’re fine. Sex tips for me, for him??