Work place discrimination

Okay y’all this is the first time I have felt uncomfortable at work, besides being pregnant and uncomfortable in general 😂 I work in the OR at a local hospital and I am NEW, I am 30 weeks pregnant and I am brand spanking new at work... my boss is AMAZING she is SO supportive and wonderful BUT some of the other staff that work in the OR are not so great. I had one person ask me yesterday “sooo you’re new here, you’re like the third pregnant chick they’ve hired and all they do is have their babies and never come back, are you coming back?” (Super bitchy sarcastic tone).. and I’m this super polite, smile at everyone type person so I just smiled at her and said “of course” and then I walked away.. this is like the 3rd person that has said something to me or around me but not directly to me.. and in the OR unless their badge is in view and not flipped I have no clue who they are because we are all covered 😑 my boss is really sad and has passed this up the chain of command... y’all how should I handle the next person who comes at me like this!?