At 34 weeks my baby was measuring on the smaller side and i had to have cgt x2 a week and weekly ult...

At 34 weeks my baby was measuring on the smaller side and i had to have cgt x2 a week and weekly ultrasounds. At 36+4 i had an ultrasound and the baby hadnt grown in the 2 weeks, so i was booked in for the next day for a csection. I have had 2 previous sections with my other kids and thought i knew what to expect, but i was wrong. The man who did the epidural must of been a trainee now looking back, as it took him 3 attempts to get the needle in, which was painful. The epidural didnt work and i was then put under to have my baby. When i work i was told my baby was fine but she was only 4lbs 4 and would be in the neonatal ward for little bit which ended up being 6 days. She was perfectly healthy but had trouble regulating her temp, so was in an incubator for most the week. On day 7 i finally got my baby in the ward with me and then finally the next day we were able to go home.