I might be overreacting but I’m kind of upset..

Backstory: I’ve been on and off with very irregular cycles since my birth control came out back in January. I’ve tried to stay prepared but my periods literally come out of no where, it’s not bad except when I sleep and it very rarely ever comes then.

The past few weeks I’ve had period cramps and no period and it’s been very weird, this morning I woke up groggy around 4 A.M. and it was indeed AF! We have white everything and of course it was all in the bed, I must’ve been on it for a while. I ran to the bathroom, and I really couldn’t move as I had blood clots and everything else. I called my fiancé whom I’m suppose to marry 3 months from today and he was PISSED. He told me it doesn’t hurt to stop being dramatic, he didn’t want to get out of bed when all I asked for was a fresh pair of underwear. Then he went by my side of the bed and got pissed again when he seen the blood in the bed, and told me I should’ve been more prepared and that there is no excuse for it. It breaks my heart because I literally tried and I might just be overreacting and too emotional right now.. I’m just not sure. He used to act more caring.

He wakes up at 4 A.M. to go to work some days anyway so it couldn’t be that it was that early. He just seemed very angry with me. We both work full time jobs and I’m also in college, and I still maintain all the house duties so I will be the one cleaning the sheets as I’m not sure why he was super mad like it won’t come out with peroxide. (I’m sure we will just buy more

We’re trying to conceive and it just sucks I’m feeling unsure from how I was treated. His temper has been super short lately..

Edit I added a picture, not that it makes a big difference..

Another update: he texted this on his break