Baby girl born Aug 14


I'm just getting around to posting my birth story and hope this may help anyone reading. I went to my doctor's appointment Friday at exactly 39 weeks and I was still only .5cm and 40% effaced. Tuesday evening around 9pm I went to the bathroom and wiped, there was bright red blood. Contractions started immediately after. They were coming every 7 mins apart for most of the night. I hesitated to go to the hospital because I didn't want to be turned away. So in the morning around 11am I called my doctors office and they told me to come in to be checked. I drove myself (its 5 mins away) when I got there they monitored my contractions and they were 3-4 mins apart. My doctor checked me... I was a 6 with my water bag bulging! They would not let me drive myself home to wait on my wife to get off work. I had to be taken to the nearest hospital by ambulance. I got the epidural about 2hrs after I got there. then the doctor came in to talk to me about a cesarean. I was totally against it. I had my first vaginal and wanted to have this baby vaginal as well. Doc says she was measuring large and was afraid of complications due to my height and petite size.. also shoulder dysplasia. I was afraid of the risk so I decided to have the c section. I went into the OR at 6pm and baby girl was born at 622pm weighing 8lbs 10oz 20.5 in long. Just hang in there any moms thinking labor is nowhere in sight because it can all happen over night.