My birth August birth story❤️
My beautiful girl was due July 25th, after a long week of being over due they decided to induce me on the 1st August however madam had other Plans and My waters broke naturally at 3am on the 1st.
I woke my other half and off to the hospital we went as soon as I walked in the door my waters turned brown, the little monkey decided to do a poop in me! They took me through to the labour ward to a room with a pool I asked them to run it for me to which I was told due to her popping I wasn't allowed to use it 😩 at this point I'm only 2cm and in agony! At this point it's 8am.
9am comes around and I'm begging for the epidural within 5 minutes it's done hooray!!😂
After a lovely 3 hours of sitting in the bed eating ice poles chatting to my midwife (literally could not feel a thing!) they came and checked me I was 9cm!! They said give it an hour they'll be back to start pushing 👍👏
1pm comes time to push! However I cannot feel a thing so they make the decision to turn the epidural down and put me on the hormone drip😑 no one told me I would go from feeling nothing to everything in about 10 minutes 😩 all I can say is oh my god no one prepares you for the pain!
3 hours of pushing they decide to intervene they decide to cut me and use the vbac (at this point the paramedic has fainted behind the pool) 3 pushes and a 1.5l of blood loss later there she was! My beautiful madison❤️
My birth was everything I didn't want and no one can prepare you for it but my god is she worth it!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.