4m old sick. FTM.

My son is 4m old, he has been very fussy, screaming at times.

He's been sleeping through the night and now he's very fussy.

His nose is runny and sounds stuffed and has a little cough. I can tell he is not the happy little baby I usually have.

He whines.

I've been suctioning his nose out and gave him 1.5mg of infant tylenol. A long with sitting with him in bathroom with steam.

If not better by Monday I'll call his PED.

Any advice. ???

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Posted at
Dealing with the same thing. We’ve also put a book under his mattress to help elevate his head. If you’re not using the Nose Frida to suction, get one! We do a few drops of saline in each nostril then suck it out. It’s seemed to be helping. Our per said that as long as he’s otherwise generally happy and his fever doesn’t get to 103+ (he had a 100.6 temp that came down with Tylenol ) then we just have to let it go the course. It’s awful having sick kiddos! Good luck, Mama!


Posted at
I'm dealing with the same thing shes stuffy sneezing snotty nose it's worse at night she has an appt Wednesday if it's not any better by then


Mo • Aug 26, 2019
Yeah I took him in. His ped said no ear infection. Just a common cold. Steam bath before and after feeding. Saline drops. And tylenol for fever ( but he has none) . Congestion should go away in 3ish weeks. Just gotta ride it out


Posted at
I found this at target one day...I picked it up knowing one day I might need it. Luckily I haven’t need to try it out yet but maybe it could help you!