

This is not due to the sleep regression, it started around 2.5 months old. I am really struggling, my 4 mo used to do one nap in her crib and the rest on me. She won't even go down for 10 minutes without waking up anymore. I get frustrated and just let her nap on me. But, I would love to be able to set her down. I've tried letting her play to sleep and she won't she cries, I've tried rocking her and laying her down, I've tried her sleeping on me for 10+ minutes then laying her down and NOTHING works. She is then cranky the rest of the day because she isn't getting the sleep she needs. Which makes me not want to try laying her down, but I need to have some time during the day. Also, I've tried carriers she doesn't like them so that isn't an option. Thanks for any help.