Huge blood clots during miscarriage


So I am currently going through my third miscarriage since February. I do have an 8 years old daughter who was actually a couple days late. So I have had a succesful pregnancy even though I didn’t know I was pregnant till 7 1/2 months with her. First miscarriage was d&c was supposed to be 10 weeks baby died at 8. second was a chemical. This one is natural at home. i was supposed to be 8 1/2 weeks and dr measured my at 6weeks 4 days on Monday. Started having severe pains yesterday at 6 pm till this morning (spotting red blood) woke up this morning went to bathroom and pushed out a clot way bigger than a baseball. Putting both hands together it would have still overflowed. Then started pushing out baseball to golf ball sized pieces every few minutes. Has started to finally calm down to moderate constant cramping with severe cramping and pushing out a little smaller than golf ball sized clots. I’ve had only very mild bleeding between pushing out the clots (not even enough to fill up a pad). I have a dr appointment tomorrow and I will push for answers. My question is is this normal? I feel it is waaaaay to many and too big of clots I can’t even understand how they were all in there. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on? Anything I should ask my dr to test for or any other questions? Any advise? Thanks in advance