Slow hcg


I’m going insane, will this be a blighted ovum or miscarriage? I have 10 days until my scan. I have zero symptoms. No sore boobs, sickness only came for 2 days at 5weeks. Heightened sense left at 4.5weeks.

Hcg as follows

5/8 25hcg (14dpo)

8/8 108 hcg ((17dpo)

14/8 1941 hcg (23dpo and 1.4 days doubling time)

19/8 4970 hcg (28dpo and 3d14hrs doubling time which is less than expected)

20/8 ultrasound at 5w6days, measured 5w5days with only a sac, no yolk sac and this was abdominal ultrasound

22/8 8778 hcg (31dpo and 3.9days doubling time)

I’ve had spotting every second day, particularly after a bowel movement. Mostly pink to red discharge that doesn’t progress, occasionally I’ll have a bright red dot the size of a poppy seed.

I’m going insane. I’ve had 2 successful pregnancies and 7miscarriages at the 4-5week mark.

I’m just looking for people with similar story, no matter the outcome.