boyfriend has depression );


sorry kind of long but i really could use your help. gals.. my boyfriend has a lot of mental illnesses, he always has. he’s never really “shown” them like this and he doesn’t take medication. he’s not good with meds. he’s got PTSD, bipolar, depression, adhd, and anxiety. i always see the anxiety and sometimes depression, often adhd and never depression really.. until now.. and i’m worried about him.. he talks to me about how sad he is and cries himself to sleep and has a lot of a suicide thoughts. He doesn’t want to kill himself but his depression makes him want to.. if that makes sense. I’ve suggested talking to a professional and he’s considering it. He’s 18, i’m 17. He can’t really talk to his parents about it because they put a lot of stress on him, and often times is the reason why he is depressed, but he’s even considering talking to them so they can help him receive professional help. My question is: what can i do as his girlfriend to help him for the better? I always do help him and he appreciates me so much and sometimes I think i’m the only thing that keeps him happy at points. He loves me to the fullest that is clear as day, and i’m good at advice and making him feel better but I wanna make him feel better like more better. I warm him with lots and lots of personalized gifts and lovings and he loves it all. But what more can I do? I hate to see him like this and I want to help 😔 Also, this is the first time i’ve seen his depression this bad in over a year and he’s been feeling this way for about 2 weeks now.