venting 🤦🏽‍♀️

j daddy

I been talking to this guy for around a month , like talking talking and I had already knew of him because last year he dated my friend at the time ( we fell off and she moved to Georgia ) and he had cheated on her and he's known for basically having a big mouth , lying and dating fabi ( that's her name ) and this year during summer school we got closer cause we were in the same class then we both started to catch feelings so on the 18th of last month he made it official and we're actually talking now but I've always made sure to be careful and tried not to get too attached , had been careful on what I told him things like that just because I know of his past and I was scared to be something more with him and I still am a little bit , and I do trust him more than I did before but I'd Say around a week or two ago he got his phone taken away so we weren't able to talk to each other , he had called me once n we talked a little but before that we had already hardly been talking like we'd talk every couple days and they wouldn't be full conversations , oh and before that everytime we were otp he'd tell me he had to call me back n he promised several times n he had put it on God too but he never did . and I've brought it up to him n he always had some type of excuse . and I was obviously irritated but I kept giving him extra chances because that's just who I am , and fast forward now he hasn't texted me back since Thursday , our texts have been a little dry , he took a couple hours to respond , and he follows my spam account obviously and he shares his account with his friends so I'm not sure if it's him watching my stuff and liking it or my friends and he's posted on his snapchat story several times so I know he has his phone . I've been so upset over this , it's been going on for i wanna say around three weeks ?? and at first I was stressing out , but I told myself I shouldn't be dressing and instead that I was upset because I was breaking out due to stress acne and I've cried so many times over this , I just was before I started to write this and I like him and none of my friends except maybe one support our relationship but she's also been having doubts cause of the way he's been treating me . and I wanna say something to him so bad and I'm going to , I just like him a lot and besides this I like how he makes me feel and he knows I don't do relationships , I'm just scared to say something to him because I feel like he won't care at all and he'll just be like " ok " or some shit like that and I do wanna give him another chance to see if he'll actually change and I know this is toxic and I don't wanted to have wasted so much time being sad if he's just gonna say okay , I want him to actually see why I'm upset and want him to say that he'll get it together n fix it but maybe I'm asking for too much , maybe it's selfish of me to ask for it idk but this hurts and I'm beyond livid with it , or maybe I'm the one who's the problem , but this sucks and I wanna continue to be something with him but not if it's gonna be like this 😣😣😣

edit : so not even an hour after I made this my bestfriend texted me cause she knew I liked him saying that he was texting her friend n flirting w her a lot and she had seen the texts herself n she shown me the screenshot 😂😂😂😂😂