Gender queer and feeling awkward in the ttc community

A lot of people either forget or don’t know that there’s more than just women who can get pregnant. I’ve been a part of the trying to conceive community for a few cycles and I can’t help feeling out of place...

I mainly use Instagram to be involved because then people can click on my profile and see that my pronouns are they/them. But I still end up being called she/her and other feminine terms. When someone writes a post for the community, they usually start out by saying “hey ladies” “ladies!” “okay ladies” or some other variation to that.

I know this is not intentional of them, but I can’t help feeling a little aching in my heart to feel like an actual part of the community... but I don’t think I’ll ever feel that way until people stop using gender-specific terms for pregnant/trying to get pregnant people. Sorry if this sounds complainy, I just really needed to get this off my chest, been feeling lonely in this journey.