Sleeping help


My 9 month old has recently started waking every 1, 2 or 3 hours at night I cant remember the last time he went longer than 4 hours 😴

At 6 months he was sleeping through or at least sleeping 6-8 hour stretches and now it's like he hates sleep.

I keep thinking it's either regression or teething (currently cutting his 6th tooth) but it's been at least a month of this now.

When he does wake up he screams hysterically until he is given boob. If my boyfriend tries to settle him he screams even more and will not stop until I go in.

I've tried leaving him to cry but he just screams and I'm scared of keeping my neighbours up hes so loud.

I've tried just shhing him and stroking his back but he sits up or stands at the side of the crib.

I've tried rocking him in the rocking chair or walking round with him sometimes for up to 2 hours. He will not go back to sleep without boob.

The sleep doesnt bother me anymore it's weird how little sleep a mum can last on haha but I'm going to have to start back at work soon and I dont know if I will be able to handle working all day on so little sleep.

Just wondering if anyone has been through anything similar and there baby has gradually started sleeping better on there own? Or has any suggestions on anything I can try?