Distracted nursing / nursing strike


Anyone else's babes wayy too distracted to nurse right now? I hear it's common at this age especially with new skills and teeth. My girl is super happy and not giving me a hard time, but will latch for not even a second then off to play and look around! I know you're supposed to go to a dark/quiet room and I've done all of that. She still does the same thing. The only time she will really nurse recently is in the middle of the night when she's been sleeping, which is usually just once sometimes twice. I'm pretty sure it's just a stage but it's really just a pain and a mess so I've been giving her pumped bottles the past few days just to save some time haha and she's totally cool with that. She also no longer wants to be cradled to nurse which is what we've been doing for ever so I prob should switch up my position! She now tries to just face me sitting up and then smooshes her head into my boob which is so cute but not efficient and I feel like she prob can't breathe well 😂

I will need to wean soonish bc I'm going back to school on weekends + working full time (going to be an art teacher so I get more time with her as she gets older 🥰🥰)... I think I'm just scared that one nursing session soon is gonna be her last one and I won't know until it's over 😢. Anyone else have a baby on a nursing strike?!

I hope everyone is doing great - I for one am so glad to have made it through the first four months (now 7-8)... It gets better and more fun every day!