Help my robotics team maybe?

Meagan • Just a simple girl with an average life. I love being active in sports and being around all of my guy friends, they make me laugh so much!

Good day ladies! Recently my robotics team opened up a public fundraiser to help our team earn money to buy new supplies for this year. So far we got a good amount of response, but we have yet to reach our goal. If we don't make it, then we can't get the things we need for our season.

As someone who has been working with her peers for three years, I can say with certainty that this team has a lot of potential to be successful. It would mean so much to me if you took a look at the link.

We have seen a big rise in female interest in STEM at our school, and with the expected influx we want to do whatever we can to encourage more girls to get involved and see how amazing clubs like Robotics can be. Thank you for taking the time to read!