Left breast pain while pregnant!

Okay has anyone else delt with this, I am gonna consult my doctor but it will take at least a few days to see my doctor before I can get answers. Anywho and sorry for tmi but this post is about boobs 🤦🏼‍♀️ so I am currently 29 weeks pregnant, I have been leaking colostrum since 11 weeks so I am familiar with the nipple sensitivity, and let down feeling so that has nothing to do with milk. This pain happens when I am using my left arm to push my self up from bed or similar motion ( and its not every single time ) which is why I am soo confused. But anyway example last night I push my self to be able to roll over because I am currently beached whale and it almost feels like a pop in my left boob and then pain, the pain is like under the boob part and more like a muscle feeling. I did a self breast examination and I don’t feel any lumps or anything crazy to signal stressing about breast cancer, so I am figuring this pregnancy / boob changing related.