Complicated situation, funny preschooler response

Babz • ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

So, my wife and I have two beautiful nieces who have lived with us for 2 years. We also want a child that's biologically ours, so we tracked for about a year and just finally did our first round of inseminations this cycle. The whole time, we've been trying to get the almost-4yo on board with the idea of us having a baby, but it's been difficult because we got her when her mom had another baby... and all of her stuff stayed with her mom, for the new baby. (The whole story is long and complicated and really sad; I'm not going to get into it right now.)

Now, yesterday... the day after my +OPK, when we did our 3rd insem for this month... my little one told me, while we were walking home: "Ok, I'm ready. You guys can go get a baby now." 🤣🤣 I've been working in her class, and Monday one of the girls in her class was having a hard time (lil baybay kids teasing her) and I comforted her. At first, mine was INCREDIBLY jealous, and insisted on being comforted too; she's not really used to "sharing" me but we've been working on the idea that I have plenty of love for everybody. I told her, "I didn't love (my wife) any less when you got here. And I didn't love YOU any less when (her sister) got here. And I didn't love HER any less when (baby sister, temporarily placed by CPS and already back with her mom) got here. And I'm not going to love ANY of you any less when we have a baby."

Maybe I'm just extra emotional right now because of issues with her birth mom, or just seeing all the cute baby siblings of her preschool classmates, or what... but I nearly cried when she told me to "go get a baby now." Obviously I explained to her that "getting a baby" wasn't that easy, that no matter how it happens it takes a long time, but LOL at her permission.