Still hoping for my Rainbow 🌈


I've had 2 miscarriages within the last year. It's been exhausting, emotionally and mentally, as well as traumatic and so upsetting. I have 2 older kids from my previous marriage. But, my fiancé and I would like to have a child together. We have no problem getting pregnant, but my body has struggled to hold on to these precious babies. I'll be 35 in a few days. And this is going to be our final attempt at a rainbow baby, because our hearts just can't take anymore pain. I have a blood clotting disorder and I've finally got on the proper treatment. Hoping and praying this pregnancy finally works! I've been feeling some nausea, which makes me happy and gives me some relief. I find myself constantly searching for any and all signs and symptoms of pregnancy. With both my miscarriages, my symptoms began to fade not long after I found out I was pregnant. I'm 5 weeks so far. My babies never made it past 6/7 weeks before. I just really want this baby! Thanks for reading and for allowing me to share.