Break Opinions

The boyfriend and I have been doing great as a relationship, however last night he broke down and admitted the problems he has been having at work and on his mind have emotionally caused him to break down.

Before we got together he had a one night stand with a woman and she is pregnant. While the dates don't line up for him to be the father (he was in the hospital) or the fact he wore a condom she is insistent he is the father, and he has bad sperm as told to him by a urologist. This woman called his job and said he was intimidating her and coercing her making her fear for her safety. Since he is a cop he was politely told to find another department. Less pay and now he is worried about keeping his place.

We won't know for a little bit if he is the father. This woman texts him periodically calling him names and telling him to save up for the child support. He requested a DNA test and she is refusing so far.

He offered a break with 5 Rules:

1. No dating/sex/talking to anyone else so we can figure ourselves out

2. Checking in every few weeks (we have plans set to go to a concert and my birthday during this break)

3. A time limit after the birth for the DNA test to come back and we decide from there

4. We move in together a few months after this and get therapy together

5. No talking about this to friends or family. If they ask we are taking things where they should go.

I have goals I'm working on til then such as going back to school for nursing, losing weight, getting a better job and applying to paramedic school as well.

Should I give him this break?

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