Is this a red flag and how to talk to him ?

Been dating for 5 months and I’ve posted two pics together on Facebook and tagged him which he said he’s fine with and lately I noticed he hid all the pics that he’s been tagged on including other people’s posts! Also when he was talking on the phone with one of his friends( not close friend) when he asked him what he’s doing he said he’s grabbing food instead of saying he’s dropping me (his girl) at home. We tried to have sex and the mood was killed due to noisy house but he still kisses me hold my hand in public and hugs me and texts me every day ( but not really flirty I’d say but he was never flirty anyway). That bothered me a lot that maybe he’s hiding my relationship with him idk he’s met my friends and mom and sis but I have only met some of his friends. I’m not sure what to do about this and how to deal woth it and how to tell him that I’m bothered without him thinking I’m stalking his Facebook but I’m wondering why he’s sort of keeping me a secret ? Do I mention it next time I see him how to state it and all as I don’t want to put pressure on him since that sex incident happened recently. We haven’t said I love you yet which I’m so ready to say it caise I do love him but idk what to do he always great but there’s those small things that kinda make me wonder!