Any advice?


Please excuse the grammar because I’m just so overwhelmed and had an emotional breakdown. I don’t feel comfortable talking about this to anyone else and all I ask is for advice on this situation...

My boyfriend and I have not been on the best of terms lately... we have been fighting and arguing so much... last night took a turning point where he put me on the spot and made me feel like the worst person on earth... he basically held in a lot of resentment towards me because I’ve done a lot of stupid shit that caused a lot of friction between us but I’m trying, I’m really REALLY trying to do whatever it takes to work things out between us and for him to trust me... but last night, I’ve never heard him say the most degrading things to me and how only last night he decides to finally come clean about things that hurt him the most...I woke up this morning, crying so much and filled with anger, im trying so hard to just let it go because I do deserve it after what I put him through but at the same time, I can’t have him resenting from here on you know? I want him to let it go so that we can move forward and actually get this relationship back on track... any and I mean ANY type of advice is welcomed here because honestly I just need something to keep my head up...