Am I over stepping


So my soon to be mother in law has a hobby farm and she always lets our 2 year old in the goat pen which in turn gets her dirty in goat and dirt which has ruined a lot of clothes and numerous pairs of shoes we have told her lots of times not to let her in their but she dont listen so last time I took her over their I took her shoes socks with me and said that I left her boots and please don’t get her dirty I have to go to the store later we’ll I come to get her and she is dirty I make the comment of thanks for listening to me and she said well when she is at my house I will do whatever I she wants so I tossed her in their tub cleaned her put her in fresh clothes and left I was not happy but this is not the first or second thing we have to fight her on first one is her thumb sucking we bought her gloves to wear to help stop the habit but when she is their she takes them off of her and gives her a bottle we took them away months ago along with potty training she won’t make an effort to ask our daughter if she has to go so today I told her that I was not happy with how she was respecting me and that I didn’t have to bring her over my parents, my grandparents or the babysitter could watch her so she told me I am just a spoiled brat that won’t let my toddler be a kid am I over stepping or not ????