Is this a good makeup artist?

There is a makeup artist who puts down other trying makeup artists and encourages people to whiten their skin (it’s fucking 2019 like calm down all skin tones are beautiful). Anyway, he has this salty aura about him and he claims that he is the BEST makeup artist in the country (South Africa). This is some of his work and I’m not one to put one down for their talent but the supposed best makeup artist in the country does block eyebrows, Cakey faces, and doesn’t know how to use his blending brushes? And why are the darker girls looking as if he didn’t match their colors properly?

What do you guys think about this work?

I know I’m not being polite about this but he particularly tore down my own friend’s work of art which isn’t the best and I’m not saying that it is but he publicly humiliated her on his Instagram only because she tried to give him a suggestion...something about blending or I don’t remember.

So would you ladies go to this guy?

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