Am I wrong for feeling this way about my step daughter?

My stepdaughter decided out of no where that she wanted to live with us permanently. Her and I have arguments here and there and she doesn’t like me but TRIES sometimes. I took this whole weekend off because we had plans for labor weekend and I was excited that we didn’t have the kids (he has more) except for our daughter and now my step daughter. But I knew that she would probably want to go to her moms because we told her we were going out (she can’t come because we’re going drinking with friends) well my husband just asked her what she wanted to do to, either she stayed with her mom over the weekend or stay at house and she could just chill. This made her feel like she should stay so she said she would stay at our house either way because she already saw her mom. Now I’m thinking ONE, we won’t be able to come home and just enjoy ourselves and by that I mean SEX, and two I just want one fucking weekend without HER. I just want a damn break from her, but she never wants to go to her moms. And now I feel really irritated that I have to deal with her crap and try and get shit from an 18 year old! Am I wrong?

Before anyone shamed me for feeling this way. This child has made my life a living hell, to the point where my relationship with her dad was falling apart and HE KNEW IT, she wants to live with us but doesn’t RESPECT. I wasn’t trying to go into detail about the things she’s done so I wouldn’t like like a bitchy stepmom, but what’s so wrong with wanting one fucking weekend with my HUSBAND, not to just have sex. It reconnect since all we fucking do is work, come home and spend time with the kids. She had already made up her mind about going to her moms so I had made plans and now we can’t because she will be here.

One last thing. My stepdaughter has a mind of a 15 year old. NOT 18. She’s home all day because she goes to continuation school. Doesn’t work, doenst do anything and wants money if she goes to work with her dad to just sit in the car. She gets paid $100 for just sitting there all day. She’s lazy and she’s comfortable without having no motivation to do anything, my frustration comes from 5 years of dealing with her shit and I am OVER IT. Yes, my husband knows I feel this way because I’ve told. For 5 years straight I did nothing but try and get along with her even after being pushed away, her mom and dad have not been together since she was 2. So I’m tired of her and her shit. I want her OUT. My husband tells me to just hang in there because she’s grow out of this stage and his mom also tells me she’ll eventually leave the house when she wants a way. We try and motivate her to get a job, get her license, go out with friends, date and all we get is a fucking attitude. I come home and still worry about cooking for an 18 year old because my husband treats her like a fucking little kid, I just want to cry so bad and leave with my daughter.