I don’t know how to feel about this....

So my boyfriend and I were talking about marriage. Not that we are close to wanting to get married lol obviously we love each other and one day want too but, he said he doesn’t need a piece of paper to know that we are together, but if I want to get married he’ll marry me. He wants to be with me for the rest of our lives.

Yes I know he said he will if I want too but I don’t want him to feel like he has too. He said he’s going to buy me a ring regardless. I mean I’ve always pictured having a wedding. But I guess only time will tell.

**update before anyone comments this**

I know that if we aren’t anywhere near getting married we shouldn’t worry about it but I feel like it’s something to discuss before it gets too far into a relationship because if both parties aren’t on the same board it’s better to find out now. Ya know.

But yes he did say he will marry me if that’s what I want, but either way as long as him and I are together that’s all that matters and that we know we are together and we are married in our hearts even without a piece of paper saying it

I hope this makes sense. It’s more of me just saying everything lol