Is there a solution?

My husbands brother is a creepy dead kick, always has been. In the last two years he’s moved back home, filed for bankruptcy, stopped repaying his mum for a car she bought him, moved out of state, got arrested for assaulting an officer who pulled him over for Drink Driving and now he’s on a 3 year Good Behaviour Bond. He has no job, no car (he gave it to a friend) and is a pathological liar. He is always asking his Brothers and mum for money and they give in. He’s never paid anyone back. My husband does it because ‘he’s family’ and yet his brother doesn’t treat them like family.

What the Bloody Hell do I do? Sit back and then then enable him to become more of a loser? He’s in his mid 40’s now and has no retirement fund. It makes me sick to the stomach to think that we’ll have to support him for the rest of his life. My husband sneaks him money even after we’ve agreed no more. I’m at a loss as to what we can do 😞