Homophobic Grandma


My grandma is my absolute best friend or at least she was until I came out as Bisexual. Now she tells me it's just a phase, how could like girls if you sleep with guys, how do you worship God if you are into the same gender because it's a sin. And the worst of all was when I first told her she said "how would your mom feel?" With so much disappointment is her voice. My birth mom died when I was 2 but I think she would care.

And when I do spend time with my grandma in town she points out all the cute guys and makes nasty hateful comments about anyone she thinks is LGBT. It breaks my heart and makes me want to scream at her right there in the middle of a public place but I never do because I dont want the people she talked about to hear what she said and be just as hurt.

I dont know what to do anymore my heart is shattering because I love her so much and all she wants to do is change me.

Sorry to rant but it is the first time I have talked about it.