URGENT: HELP NEEDED dealing with homophobic parents

Archie🏳️‍🌈 • Gay?, definitely genderqueer, slytherpuff, potterhead 100%

Preface this advice isn’t for me but a friend. My friend has grown up in a homophobic, Mormon household. Her and her older sister are both bi and have or plan on leaving the church.

Now to the issue, my friend and I both auditioned for a show that has a lot of lgbt representation. She got in, however her role is of a closeted lesbian. She is nervous to tell her parents about it at all because if she tells her parents what the show is and what’s it about they force her to drop out and not allow her do theatre anymore. The reason we know this is because last year, one show they changed what was originally a straight couple into a pair of brothers. When her parents found out about the change they originally thought that the director’s changed them into a gay couple and almost made her quit. I don’t know what to tell her because I know, that like me, theatre is her escape. She doesn’t want to lie and I respect that but I also want her to be able to do theatre. I don’t know what to do, and nor does she. Please help!

I’m posting this one here because I know more people will see it,