New identity


I’m new in this group but one friend just announced to my bigger friend group that she’s heterofexible (which means she’s mostly straight but like 10% gay or lesbian-that’s what she said to us) Most of the people I know are liberal and are fine with people who are apart of the LGBTQ community even if they don’t like it which okay. It’s their opinion.

I’m not the kind of person who is really into these kinds of things conv wise and I am completely fine with however someone wants to identity as like gay, lesbian, trans, bi, (the LGBTQ letters). I feel like I have no right in anyway to say who you can’t and can marry because it’s really not my business and I don’t want it to be either lol. Don’t get me wrong tho, I want you all to be happy in your own way! I’ve got my own life to worry about.

Yet, I’m sort of getting..fed up? with all these new ways to identity yourself as for example being 10% gay. Perhaps it the rigid number that is throwing me off and Ik that sexuality isn’t completely a “clean cut” but like...Can’t you just say your bi or something and not create a who new other word for it....Idk help me out here. All opinions r fine, I’m just tryin to wrap my head around this lol.