What would you do?


A year ago my partner was being friendly with a female he met at work. He's 30 and she's younger, I think early 20's. I didn't see anything bad being talked about. But what did bother me was him trying to act cool, like he was trying to make it seem like he drinks and parties and he does neither. He said he was going to a wedding and was going to get drunk. It was a family wedding, my families wedding amd he said it was his cousin. At the time we were living with my mother and we weren't going out and we were fighting alot. I took it as he was unhappy with the life he had. Going to work, coming home, being home, repeat. The girl told me nothing was going on and they were just cool. She even offered to be my friend instead if I was uncomfortable with her being friends with him. This morning he finally confessed he was unhappy at the time. He was unhappy living with my mom, us fighting and having no life. So he tried to relate to people who were having fun. He said he wasn't trying to go out and cheat, just try to have a friendly conversation. Even if it did cross his mind to get someones attention there was something within our relationship that needed fixing. Ofcourse in my mind I'm thinking I'm not fun enough. I'm a mom and forgot how to be fun so he's talking to someone who is fun. After that I started doing more things with him. Like playing video games, which he loves to do. We started having date nights again. I started being spontaneous and a bit naughty sending him pics of myself. We jumped stated our sex life again. Things were alot better than they had been. I try to spend time with now. Being a mom it's hard to find time but I try. He didn't cheat but something was wrong between us that needed to be fixed. So ladies, my question is, would you have done the same thing? Even if you thought he was trying to receive some attention elsewhere? Would you do what I did or leave? I know people give up on relationship very easily now days but I think they sometimes just deserve a fighting chance. Was I stupid for doing this or was this the right way to go about it?