Anxiety Overload


Lately my anxiety has gotten ten times worse. I just graduated college so that comes with post grad life looking for jobs. I was super excited about getting out of my part time job and getting a full time job to start saving money. It has become an anxiety overload though with the amount of phone screenings. It’s getting to the point where I don’t want to get out of bed to hear everyone asking me how the interview went.. that I probably didn’t go to because I was too anxious. I have noticed feeling the sun on me has made me feel “happier” but I’m too anxious to leave my house most of the time. I got a lava rock bracelet to put essential oils on and I feel a little bit of a difference, but not enough. I need help with new coping mechanisms. I tried going to a therapist and her advice was just to tell myself I have anxiety and it isn’t a real fear every time I feel anxious.. which does not help. No one in my life understands the anxiety I go through every day. Thanks for reading my vent and if you have any suggestions.. please let me know!