My birth story ♥️


On 8/29/19 my beautiful baby girl Mila was born.

She was 8 days overdue but I went in to be induced at exactly 41 weeks.

I got to the hospital around 11am and they put in cervadil to help soften my cervix and warned me that it could take up to 12 hours to kick in and that I may even need another one if just one didn’t get the job done. I was getting so discouraged because absolutely nothing was happening even at 10pm! I remember thinking “ugh this is never gonna end and she is never gonna come!” To take my mind off things, I fell asleep around 10pm but quickly woke up when I felt really crampy. I went to the bathroom and I noticed I was bleeding so I called the nurse in. She checked to see if my cervadil came out and it did so she proceeded to check me and see if anything had progressed since putting it in. I was a lot more thinned out now but still only 2cm dilated like I was when I got there so she said that if things didn’t pick up by midnight, they would put another cervadil in.

12 hits and I’m already having to “rock” through the contractions. I wasn’t losing my mind in pain yet but I surely wasn’t comfortable. 12:30 comes and now I’m groaning through them. She checks me around 12:30 and I’m STILL only 2cm. Come 1am she checks me again because my contractions are now back to back. At this point, I’m 4cm. I get checked again around 1:15 and I’m 5cm now so we go to the tub room and I hop in in hopes to subside the pain and labor in there. I’m in there not even ten minutes before my water breaks so I get out and get checked and I’m still only 5cm. The midwife comes in around 1:45 and I’m now 6cm. So she ordered me drugs cause at this point- I’m DYING and absolutely screaming and begging for them and I had no plans to do it natural anyways. She checks me at 2 because I felt this HUGE urge to push and I’m NINE CM. She goes “alright girly. This baby has other plans. No drugs for you!” She leaves the room for like four minutes just to go to the bathroom before I start pushing Incase it took a while. Well, while she was in the bathroom, I couldn’t fight the urge and screamed “I CANT WAIT. I HAVE TO PUSH” and the nurse said “okay honey. Just let it go” I give one big push and right after I hear “omg!! Her heads out?! I only went pee!!!” (🤣🤣🤣) And I pushed literally two more times and she was out. At 2:08 am my baby girl was finally born! My entire labor was like 2.5 hours and LEGIT 3-4 minutes of pushing. It was absolutely wild, completely unplanned but absolutely perfect. I didn’t rip, I felt and feel amazing and my baby girl is so gorgeous.

As her midwife said “she didn’t wanna come but when she came, SHE CAME!”

Pics of my sweet girl and her daddy and brother♥️