Sneak peek gender test was...... CORRECT

🖤Mommy🖤 • ♥️Son-7/00♥️Daughter-9/04♥️Daughter-11/12♥️👼-9/15♥️Son- 8/16♥️Son- 3/18♥️👼- 4/19♥️👼- 5/19♥️ Son- 2/20♥️

Im 14 weeks 3 days today. Drove 2 hours into Boston to have my 3d/4d and gender confirmation ultrasound done. Sneak peek was accurate. Im having a baby boy 💙💚💙💚 how the harmony test was inconclusive is beyond me but im over the moon excited that we finally know 100% , its a boy! Baby Liam coming February 2020💙💚💙💚