Frank breech position and 97th percentile


I’m 38 weeks, and went for my appointment today. Last week they said because of how large she is measuring (8lbs 6oz at 36 weeks), it’s likely that I wouldn’t go past 39 weeks (either because labour would start on its own or they would induce). I havn’t had any contractions as far as I know (FTM), so I was expecting them to schedule something for next weekend. I had to remind them of her size and position today, which made them schedule an ultrasound for Tuesday and now we’ll figure it out on Thursday- my next appt.

Just getting impatient... I went on leave this week (only a week early), and my husband told them at work that he would be starting his leave early as well because of what the doctor said about 39 weeks.

Question is- would she even be able to

flip, at that size and position? I thought it was a done deal last week- she literally has not moved from this position since 30 weeks. Anyone been in a similar position?