TMI Question

I have sores around my anus and vagina. None in either one, just around. They will almost completely heal, then get worse or completely heal just to come back a few days later. I was completely healed except like one, and now it is fully broken out in sores again. Toilet paper and my panties get stuck to them and it pulls them off and makes them bleed. Or I'll pull toilet paper that got stuck throughout the day, off at nighttime. HELP! I'm really worried it is actually something serious. What could it be? I am thinking it is hemorrhoids.

EDIT: I have been tested.

EDIT 2: Yes, I was texted for HPV.

EDIT 3: Yes, I shave "down there".

EDIT 4: what is the longest amount of time it would take for herpes symptoms to show?

EDIT 5: So for the first time I actually looked at it, usually it is by feel. There are no sores, just looks like dry skin on the outermost part. The blood is coming from a blood vessel that is VERY close to the skin's surface (I can see the entire blood vessel). That's why I'm bleeding, not sores. Why is the blood vessel like this? I feel really dumb and know I will be criticized for making this post.

EDIT 6: The cut is to the right and on the perineum. The scab kept coming off of the cut so that's why it kept feeling like "sores" were being pulled back open.

EDIT 7: Is lichen sclerosus a possibility?

EDIT 8: I have no pain when urinating, it doesnt burn or anything.

EDIT 9: My test came back negative for any form of STD, including chlamydia and herpes. It ended up being Epithelial Cell Abnormality; Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance.