18 teeth gone at 22 years old , plus dentures story : UPDATED

Ashley • Ashley • Taken by Coby ♡ • Emily Marie 3-5-2021👶 Baby #2 due June 2023

I had 18 teeth pulled out at 22 years old and had to get dentures.

I'm sitting here at 8:53 am on 8/27/2019, starving because I cant eat.. Waiting for 10:30 am to come so I can leave for the surgery.

I'm going under IV sedation, pretty nervous for that because I 100% wont be asleep, but mostly. I'll post pictures of before and after if yall would like, and if anyone would like to ask questions.

I also want to make a note for the keyboard warriors...

NO, I DIDNT DO THIS TO MY TEETH. I did take care of them, but I have a bone deficiency and gum disease. My mom was also given medicine when pregnant with me, to help stop early labor that made me have bone issues...

8/29 -

I'm still sore, and struggle smiling because the teeth are big right now due to swelling and so many stitches because I bled alot.

(Wrote this on another post, but decided to start a new one, with more info)

I cried a lot the last 2 days, today is 8/29, surgery was 8/27. I think its hitting me hard that I've had to go through this at 22. I dont want anyone looking at me different and my moms bf literally just stared at me this morning and ran into something because I guess he was focusing on my mouth. I broke down and cried, he hasnt spoke to me since. Which I'm fine with. 🤷‍♀️ more people dont look at or talk to me differently the better. Right now I can only eat pudding, mashed potatoes and liquid soup. I have the appetite of a grown man so not being able to eat a cheese burger or chili cheese dog( my fav) is killing me lol. Hopefully soon I can eat at least macaroni and I'll be happy again. If yall have any questions, ask away I will be more than happy to answer.

Picture below, I know I'm swollen and look like a chipmunk lmao

Today is now 8/31 -

I feel great today, still only eating/drinking liquids.. But I am feeling better about myself. I am in no pain, just swollen. I still havent had stitches out, might get those out on Tuesday, I think. I also built my cats a cardboard tunnel out of boxes lol, so my energy is better now. I have only taken medicine 2 or 3 times since 8/27.

If anyone ask questions, feel free to ask.

Picture below for today 8/31

Yes I took it with a filter, I liked the picture so I went with this one. This is with my healing dentures.


Y'alls comments have really made me feel amazing. I am so happy now after having surgery, it's now 9/3/19 and I get my stitches out on 9/5/19. I have had zero pain all through this whole thing. I ate a fried egg, and beefaroni today.

I'll post a recent picture of me today 9/3/19:

P.S. I dont want implants nor have any thought about it, I love my dentures. I'm happy with them. Dont try to attempt at to change my mind. I had plenty of dentists try and I'm tired of hearing it. Especially after spending lots of money on a surgery. Thanks!

Update: 9/5/19

I got my stitches out today! (They didnt hurt at all, painless) !!YAY!! ^-^

I love the way I look now, I love the way I smile, I feel like these are real until I have to clean them in the morning/night, and when I eat. I feel naked without them. I have zero pain still in my mouth, but i have had earaches a little today, which is expected. Not too bad, luckily. I am eating better, and I wouldn't wish for it to be any other way.

9-7-19 ; 11 days post OP

I'm doing good today! Definitely need another reline done though, my swelling has went down tremendously. I love everyone's support. Main reason I posted this was because I was looking for support before surgery on the app, and seen maybe one or two posts. One post helped but I think we need more of these on here! We are all so young and it is hard, but we need to help others even if are situation sucks at first. It does get better and we all know that. It helped me get out of my shyness and comfort zone by posting this. Yall can do it too! Yall have been so loving and helped me by being so loving and open. We can change lives and we can change insecurities by being more open, it is a tough ride the first week, but it gets sooo much better and we realized we stressed over nothing in the end.

Sooo please, for anyone that went through this and or is about to go through this... please post your stories and journeys of going through this. It's a new toy we really didnt want, but its what we have to love with and it's okay to be young. It's okay to have dentures. No that doesnt make us any different. We are all beautiful before and after, but that after feeling is pretty damn great and I think we can all agree. I love myself now, and who knew a smile showing teeth can affect all of that.

!!Last final update!!

2 1/2 weeks post op

I'm good, still no issues. Sometimes I forget I had surgery and realize I have denture in because feel them come loose sometimes. But honestly I have hrow attached and so comfortable with them, this was the best possible decision for me. Thank you everyone again for all the support and didnt think my post would've got as big as it did. For the ones who may see this in a few days, weeks, months and years, dentures are okay. Having your teeth pulled out is okay, it's not the end of the world. It's better having something like this to be in pain or sick from your teeth. The outcome is so much better, and you may struggle at first mentally, physically or emotionally. But dont let anyone scare you out of it, if they have havent went through it they have no clue. It's an easy process which you will get used to eventually. It's more time consuming to clean them, but its okay. You're healthier and hopefully happier.