I just really wanted to share!

Alexis • Mommy of 3.💖💝💙 Music fiend. Math lover. My outlet is the gym.

Hi! I just wanted to post this somewhere ! I just got back from a family vacation with my 3 Little babes and i came across these photos of my self i took them in a hurry but i still just didn’t see them till today. Guys I’m just in shock that’s me 😭

To all those people who think they can’t or won’t get there you will . I struggled with the mentality for a long time . You can do it ♥️

Going on 8 months postpartum! It’s a overwhelming feeling to know that’s me. I’m learning to love my body all over again because it’s constantly changed from pregnancies . But I’m still working on myself inside and out every day ♥️

Id love to see other women hitting their goals so feel free to post yours in the comments .