Welcome to the world Layla Mae

Brooke • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl, Layla 8/29/19 💜 Proud wife to an amazing husband 9/12/14 💍 Dog Mom 🐾

Our beautiful baby girl made her debut August 29th at 5:17pm, weighing 7.5 pounds & 19 1/2 inches long. Her due date was August 31st but I had to be induced because she had a single umbilical artery cord. I hate to brag about more than her beauty but I had an amazing labor & delivery experience. Induction started at 9am, she was born at 5:17pm, and I only pushed for 32 minutes total!! Nothing like I was expecting for a first time Mommy. Layla & I are home & healthy & Daddy is being amazing. I am writing this post breastfeeding while she sleeps on my chest...couldn’t imagine life any more perfect 💜