Preterm labor

Y`Marrea • married to love of my life 💍 mommy of 2 boys🩵 and 1 girl🦄

Hey ladies I posted a while back asking if anyone had a full term baby after a preterm baby and I kind of got my hopes up lol I was hoping baby Alayah would hold out but that doesnt seem to be the case. I'm in the hospital now I came in because I was having contractions that had lasted for 5 hours at that point and when I got here I was shocked to learn that I was already 4cm dilated😬. So I'm here in the hospital until baby comes wether it be today or not. They're trying to stop my labor. I've stopped dilating but I'm still contracting. As of today I'm exactly 32 weeks. I've had a 34 and 35 weaker but I'm not sure what to expect with a 32 weaker. I know in the long run she'll be ok but I'd like to hear some experiences from any preemie moms that had a baby this early and can give me an idea of what to expect.