
Went to hear my babies heartbeat at 15 weeks on Wednesday only to hear those words. I can’t find it. Let’s do an ultra sound and not panic. Ultra sound confirmed no fetal heart. He stopped at 13 weeks 5 days. I just had my d & e yesterday and I feel absolutely empty. I have to be strong because I have a 2.5 year old. How do you heal from this? Has a anyone gone on and had another child. I don’t even want to see anyone. We just told family on Sunday because I wanted to be in the “safe zone” 😭

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I lost a set of twins at 16 weeks due to placental abruption, had another set of twins at 25 weeks due to cervical incompetency, and am currently 37 weeks pregnant with a singleton. No matter how far along you are loss hurts. It took me a long time between each one to decide that I could try again. You will know when you are ready to try again. Just know that it is very possible to have a successful pregnancy after loss but nothing is guaranteed. So sorry for what you are having to deal with, and good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future.


Posted at
I had a missed miscarriage back on June 5th. I was days away from the 12 week mark when I started spotting. They said the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. I’m currently 6 weeks 4 days with my rainbow 🌈. I’m sorry that you are going through this. It’s so hard but you will make it through


Catrina • Sep 1, 2019
I never got my period after my miscarriage before conceiving


Ch • Sep 1, 2019
How long did it take for you to get your period?


Posted at
I am so sorry for your loss 💕 I went on to have a healthy baby boy following my mc last year. Best wishes to you xx


Posted at
I'm sorry, I didn't make it as far as u but I did have a D&C 9w5d before my daughter then 6 months later I got pregnant with her, she 16 months now, then in March I MC at 7w and feel pregnant in May and I'm gonna be 18w tomorrow, the chances of two losses in a row are slim