Becoming friends right after breakup

My LDR bf dumped me 2 weeks ago. We were friends for a year before he asked me out officially and we were together for a year and a month before he decided to break things off. We had an argument because he was out with his friends (he did tell me where he went) until past midnight and decided not to reply my texts and reject my call. He knew that I could never sleep before knowing that he’s home. After that he’s saying he couldn’t be in a LDR anymore and broke up with me, but starting to bug me to this day. He’s saying he doesn’t want to lose me ever and that i’m his best friend and he wants to keep talking to me like before. He’s even more intense than before so i’m really confused. He made it really clear he doesn’t want to get back together(due to his fear of things not working out well) but wants to be as close as before. Should i accept his offer?