Boy problems


Okay, so, prewarning this is literally the most teenage girl problem

I hosted a party on Friday and this guy I really like came. We had been talking on and off for quite a while but nothing serious had ever happened, so we were on the trampoline (don’t ask 🤦‍♀️) and we ended up cuddling and just looking at the stars and stuff then he kissed me. We were there for a good 20 minutes maybe more before we got interrupted and nothing else happened.

I messaged him the next morning saying ‘hope you had a good night x’ and I got ‘yeh I did hbu’ seems pretty normal but to a paranoid teenage girl she notices the lack of kisses which there are usually at least 2.

Literally haven’t spoken since and I’m not sure whether to message him and be like ‘we haven’t spoken since Friday if ur not into it like that’s absolutist fine but I would rather know’ or to just leave it 🤷‍♀️