Feeling left out

I guess this is my first melt down in pregnancy and I’m almost 27 weeks. Lol.

I feel left out of doing things with my husband. It is becoming a more regular thing that he makes plans (without consulting me first, he just says that’s what he’s doing) with his friends to go off roading and/or to the mountains somewhere. Obviously I can’t go off roading while pregnant but he knows how much I love the mountains and would love to go.

These trips are not just for the boys because his friends wives/girlfriends and kids go every time.

I mentioned that it bothers me that he continues to go have fun but doesn’t make plans for him and I to do anything. He seemed annoyed and said fine lets plan something but he knows between now and December, we have too much shit going on to do anything. There is no balance.

Am I being irrational?