I feel like I’m being manitulated

One example... my fiancé and I went out of town for 2 nights. While at a bar I said “do you have to talk/joke around with ever female? we were in his hometown where I didn’t know anyone. I asked him not to leave me because again I was in an unfamiliar place with people I didn’t not know. 10 minutes later he stopped to talk to someone and then all of a sudden walks to get drinks. ( he said he told me to walk with him and that did not happen)I stood there for a few minutes and then walked to the bar he was at. When I got there he was talking to the female that was standing at the bar. I was supper annoyed because I had just asked him not to leave me and had said something about talking to females. He’s never cheated he’s just very outgoing and talks to everyone and it comedic. Anyways... I got aggravated and when I told him he got very aggressive and mad. He threw our drinks and we left. He drove crazy back to where we were staying and the fight got bad. I kept explaining what was wrong and he just got more and more mad. He threw all my stuff out of his truck and in the yard. And kept doing it. He told me to leave and when I tried to grab my purse that was underneath him he said I hit him in the balls(I never touched him in anger). He shoved me out of the yard and told me to leave. I started walking and was going to try and make it to the gas station so I could get a cab to a hotel. He video taped me walking and said he was going to call my parents and tell them I wouldn’t get back in his vehicle. I’m 39 by the way and never involve my family. I didn’t want to get in the truck because I was freaked out. My mom called me and I couldn’t tell her everything so I just said I left so we didn’t argue. I ended up letting him come get me and went back to where we were staying. I got an hour lecture on how this was all my fault and I needed to tell my parents that I caused this and the reason he called them was because of my safety but he made me leave 🤷🏻‍♀️but he’s saying it’s my fault because I wouldn’t get back in. I know he had anger issue before me because I’ve heard his mom say and that he had torn up the walls in his room when he was a teen. I don’t know what to do at this point. I don’t think this situation was my fault.

Examples of his anger... he punched his steering wheel so hard it broke stuff, he’s beat himself in the head with a gun and his fist. He has pushed me and thrown me around and when I defend myself he says I hit him first or I’m hitting him. He’s broke things of mine. Broken furniture. We’ve been together 2 years and for some reason me breaking up with his is hard even when I know it’s a bad situation. Lots of other things have happed as well. I’m not perfect I know but I don’t think this behavior is caused by me.

For the people asking about drugs... he doesn’t do any drugs but he has an alcohol problem.

Edit... the females were not people he knew. Also, he constantly tells me that girls ante checking him out and it’s annoying. If it was like here and there it wound bother me, but he says it everywhere we go basically.

The the reason I got upset last weekend was specifically because I had just asked him not to leave me and had voiced my concerns. We have been talking today and he said that it all starts with me and that it’s my fault that he gets that angry. He is telling me that I have to change for this to work. Also, that if I change he won’t get angry anymore.

I have had a loaded gun held to my head, bruises on my chest, arms and legs, he has picked me up by my throat and slammed me on the bed, he’s thrown me physically out the front door of our house. Punched and broke buttons on my suv, screamed at me, slapped me, held my arms behind my back and twisted my wrist. Cut my shoes up and clothes and destroyed things I have bought him. It’s really sad to say that I have caused this. The biggest fight we have is me trying to make him understand it isn’t me causing this and that no matter what it should never come to this.

Edit.. why is it so hard for me to leave? Why does the thought of him being with someone else when he leaves hurt me so bad? Why am I so weak? I don’t understand why I am having such a hard time with this. I just feel so down. I don’t have bad self esteem, I take really good care of myself and feel physically confident but mentally I am a mess

Ladies i know everything that yall have said is true. I honestly don’t know what is wrong with me. I wish i was strong ans did not care about him leaving.