Hold your babies closer tonight💕


A visit to the hospital to have my stitches checked today and I mentioned to my midwife that there is blood in my 6 day old babies nappy when I cleaned it. This also happened the day after birth and I was told it was a mini period from baby due to my hormones still being inside her.

My baby then got sent over to the children’s ward for assessment because every nappy change to that point had blood and they had to draw her bloods. 3 attempts it took so her little hands look like a pin cushion 😭

They sent the blood work off to be assessed and we waited 3 hours for results. I was so upset hoping my little girl would be okay and it was nothing sinister. I got myself that stressed out I got a migraine and my vision went. I thought I was having a stroke as I’ve never had anything like that before.

They said her blood work is fine but it took a little longer than normal to clot so they would need to give her another shot of vitamin K.

She had the shot and we headed home.

In that time on the ward, we could hear all the little babies and children screaming from time to time and crying. I never want to go back into that place again and I think we should cuddle our babies a little more tonight and be thankful they are here in our arms nice and safe. 💕