Bf stood me up. Should I be angry ?

So yesterday my bf asked me if I can go see him. Keep in mind he lives 50mins away from me. We usually take turns driving to see each other. So anyways I said yeah sure. He told me to come over around 6. So at 5:30 I texted him “hey do u still want me over”. No response. I call after a few minutes. No answer. So I just assumed he was taking a nap. So on my way over I texted him “hey just letting u know I’m on my way since u didn’t reply” and after a few minutes he replied with “yeah ok. Sorry I was talking to my sister”. So I drive up and I get there. I texted him “here”. No response. So I decided to walk over and knock. No one came to the door. I knew people where home since there cars were in the drive way. So I call him twice. No answer. So I walk back to my car and after a few minutes of waiting he sends me a text “hold on please”. So I wait. And I wait. After 20mins he texts me again “I’m talking to my dad”. So then I wait a few more minutes. Then I reply with “hey if today isn’t a good day then I can just go home”. No response. I waited for about 30 more minutes. I felt stupid just sitting in my car so I texted him “I’m just gonna go home”. And I left. I drove ANOTHER 50mins home. And when I got home he texted me “sorry babe I was talking to my dad about some issues”. I was so OVER it and replied back with “STOP. This was a huge waste of my time. I asked u if it was ok to come over. It’s not that hard to send a quick text saying that your busy. You don’t live around the corner from me to make this ok. I waited a fucken hour sitting in my hot car for a no show. Don’t apologize”. He didn’t respond last night. So I went to bed. I woke up with a text from my bank letting me know that he sent me $25. I quickly sent it back and text him “I don’t want your money. I sent it back”. And he replied with “I’m sorry. My dad and I got into an argument about something stupid. I really didn’t think our talk was gonna take that long. I asked u to wait for me but I completely understand why u left. I sent u 25 for the gas u wasted. I’m sorry.” I wasn’t over it so I replied with “i sent u your money back I really don’t want it. So hopefully u got it back.”

Guys. I haven’t talked to him all day because just thinking about him gets me so angry. Like do I have the right to be angry. Or should I just get over it?