Husband's pregnancy announcement


I'm so upset with my husband. Maybe just the hormones. I'm so happy to finally be pregnant again and feeling like this baby will stick. After years of trying and miscarriages. We have a 3 year old rainbow too. We announced our pregnancy yesterday and my husband posted the picture with the caption "2 and done". First of all, we never agreed this would be our last baby. I'd love another one but honestly don't know if I'm up for this TTC heartbreak again. Right now I'm just focused on this pregnancy. My husband knows I'd love more kids too so for him to just announce that this is our last is upsetting. Also "2". This is not our second baby. We have many more babies in heaven and I don't see this baby as our second at all. So that was hurtful. He thinks I'm overreacting and is standing firm that this is our last one which isn't even what I'm upset about. How can he be so adamant about making sure this is our last when this one that we tried and prayed for, for sooo long isn't even here yet?!