Fallout with best friend/maid of honor

My best friend and I have been friends for a little over 3 years, recently we had a massive shift in our friendship which has led up to a huge fight. By the end of it so told me to “get my shit together and text her when I’m chill”

We haven’t spoken in 2 weeks, and we used to speak all day long.

She’s my best friend, the only person other then my fiancé that I’m close to, but I’m worried that because of the fight our friendship is done. She’s the type of person who doesn’t hold on to people if she thinks they’re wasting her time or causing too much drama.

I’m worried I’ve lost my best friend but I’m nervous that if I did I won’t have a maid of honor (I know that’s not a big deal but for me it’s causing so serious stress)

What should I do? Should I reach out? Move on?


The fight was regarding my fiancé who had been dealing with a misdiagnosed appendicitis. We were a couple hours from home when he wasn’t feeling well, the pain got bad enough that he was willing to go to the doctors but because of his insurance he felt more comfortable going to the doctor at home versus the town we were currently in. Once home we went through a week and a half of doctors telling us he had a virus when in reality his appendix had burst. So when he had the surgery and almost recovered I told my friend that I had been stressed out and worried but I was happy he was recovering. But I told her how we were planning on suing the hospital.

She then told me that it was my fiancé’s fault for the misdiagnosis and we should have driven to a better hospital even though it didn’t take his insurance and it was farther away at the time. I pretty much told her that it didn’t mater what she thought we should have done in that moment because that’s the past. I told her that I was simply just venting to her about my worries and frustration with everything. And that I didn’t appreciate her saying that the first ER doctor who misdiagnosed my fiancé’s appendicitis was ultimately my fiancé’s fault.

This led her to tell me that she’s going to give me her option regardless and that since I’m triggered about the situation and taking it out on her that I need to get my shit together, and talk to her when I’m chill.