BF Still Hangs Out with His Old Fling

I need opinions. So, my boyfriend and I have been dating for about 4 months now. He’s told me about all his past relationships and flings. He had a fling with this one girl for a short while last year (to clarify, their fling was basically a FWB), she ended up wanting to be in a relationship and he didn’t. Of course, they stopped having sex because of that. The thing is, they’re both in the same friend group so they’ve put their history to the side and they’re just friends now. The problem I’m having is the fact that they hang out still. I completely trust him and know that he has zero attraction to her now, and I’m not the jealous type, but....I just find it weird that they hang out. They don’t hang out alone, just when their group of friends all hang. Is it wrong of me to dislike that they still hang out? Would I sound controlling if I told him that I’d prefer him not hanging out with her unless I was there? I know for a fact that he’d be uncomfortable if I hung out with my past flings.